The Winter Health in Housing series for the Argyle Community is almost over. Fun fact about the Argyle community in 1956, 42,000 feet of cable was laid underground in East London and fed into the dial central office on Whitney St, which allowed dial service to be provided to around 12 000 phones that were previously routed into the dial office on Clarence St.
The London Free Press caption reads: “Phone cable goes underground–Workmen fill in part of a trench carrying phone cables on Brydges street. The cable, 42,000 feet of which are being laid in East London, will lead to a new office to be opened in May, 1958, which will provide dial service to some 12,000 phones now routed through the Bell central office on Clarence street. The cable will feed into a new No. 5 crossbar dial central office on Whitney street.”
Rather give greetings in person than send a phone cable? Come out to our Card Making event on Monday March 20th at the East Lion’s Community Centre (1731 Churchill Ave) from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Carding making can be traced back to the early Egyptians sending greetings using papyrus scrolls and the ancient Chinese seeing greeting cards for New Year’s Day.