
We believe that everyone with diabetes can learn to live well with diabetes – to manage medications, diet and activity in a way that feels right for you. Our diabetes care team – which includes certified diabetes educators, registered nurses, registered dietitians and a community worker – is here to help people with diabetes or pre-diabetes take good care of themselves!

We have experience serving those who face barriers to care such as language, culture, transportation or a low income. Our staff also provide diabetes care and prevention services to people with mental health issues and people who are homeless.

Our diabetes care team offers self management groups that will give participants reliable, up-to-date information about learning to care for themselves. At these groups individuals can talk with others who may have the same concerns that they have. Attendees are also welcome to bring a family member with them so that they can also ask questions.

Those who come to our groups regularly may also meet one-on-one with a diabetes educator, community worker, or dietitian about their diabetes. Our diabetes services are free and open to the entire community. Translation is provided for those who do not speak English.

The Health Centre published results from a research study related to a structured diabetes education program for people with mental illness in the Canadian Journal of Diabetes. The article is titled, “Exploring the Outcomes of a Pilot Education Program Tailored for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes and Mental Illness in a Community Mental Health Care Setting”. Click here to learn more: CJD.ExploringOutcomesofaPilotEducationProgram.Aug2020