What is coordinated access?

  •  A single point of contact for all patients
  • Simple and more timely access to information regarding the status of a referral for providers and patients
  • A central contact point for information regarding system availability and locations for specific types of education and treatment interventions
  • Appropriate triaging of referrals


What has changed?

  •  All existing referral forms to our diabetes education programs have been replaced by one Health Care Provider referral form and one Self-Referral form.
  • Coordinated Access provides 2 faxed confirmations: First, when the referral is received, and Second with the location, date and time of the first booked appointment.


How do I refer a client?

Health Care Provider:

  • Complete this referral form CAReferralForm and fax it to 1-855-DIABETS (342-2387)


  • Complete this self-referral form CASelfReferralForm and fax it to 1-855-DIABETS (342-2387) or bring it in person to the Health Centre at 659 Dundas Street

For more information about Diabetes Coordinated Access, coordinated by the South West LHIN and Health Centre, click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ_Diabetes-Coodinated-Access-Process