Women of the WorldWomen of the World is a program offered to immigrant and newcomer women. It’s three main objectives are: reducing barriers that women face through the process of integration; increasing immigrant women’s experiences of inclusion and support; and, building leadership capacity for immigrant women. The program also enables women to promote their own health and the health of other women through mutual support.


Peer Leadership Training

WOW provides intensive training  to bilingual immigrant women wishing to volunteer to help other newcomer women in their own communities. Through our Peer Leader Training, they are given the tools, knowledge and skills needed to develop and lead women’s groups in their own communities. These trained volunteer facilitators provide group and one-on-one support to newcomer women to reduce different barriers they face and increase a sense of belonging in their new community. The free training requires a commitment of 10 hours/week for 8 weeks, and is provided in English only. Certificates are issued at the end of the training.


Women’s Support Groups

These are the groups started by our trained Peer Leaders. Women develop friendships, share experiences, learn about Canadian culture, and learn to recognize their own skills and how these skills are useful in their new community. They participate in community events, and are connected to services to help them find a job, education, or even start a business. The women are involved in identifying issues and topics of concern, which are discussed at meetings. Most importantly, these community groups support women to manage their health and live healthier in their new country.

The Health Centre Centre currently offers 7 support groups that meet twice a month and are conducted in the languages of the women. They meet at various locations and times around the city.

  • Afghan Women’s Group
  • Yazidi Women’s Group
  • Syrian Women’s Group
  • Bhutanese/Nepali Woman’s Group
  • Middle Eastern Women’s Group
  • 2 Multi-cultural Women’s Group