In an effort to build greater awareness and usage of the OEV Community Exchange project website and celebrate our local community, we are partnering with London Brewing Co-op to have a Sunday Skills Market on Sunday, September 29 from 12-3pm, at LBC, 521 Burbrook.
We would like “vendors” – residents like you with profiles on the OEV Community Exchange — to display their skills, services, and offerings in a unique and creative market format for more of the neighbourhood to see and learn about. We want to help you sell yourself! We’re sweetening the pot, with gift card honorarium to anyone who signs up to have a table/space.
Help us continue to grow this initiative and connect more neighbours to the gifts and skills that exist in OEV! Know someone who should be involved? Encourage them to create a profile and sign up for the event using the contact info below.
London Brewing Co-op is hosting a Truly Local Craft Beer Festival on Saturday, September 28, so this will make for a Truly Local Weekend! Tell your friends and neighbours!
For more information, or to register to have a table/space, please contact Shelly at or 519-660-0875 x254.