Trans Health Care – Bottom Surgery (Masculinizing)

If you have surgery to remove the uterus, you’ll no longer have periods. And you won’t be able to get pregnant.

If you have surgery to remove the uterus and the ovaries, your body will no longer make estrogen. So you may be able to reduce the amount of the male hormone (testosterone) you take.

If you have surgery to create a phallus, you may:

  • Lose feeling in the places where they used tissue to create the penis.
  • See a scar where they took the tissue to create the penis.
  • Need several months to heal.


There are several different reasons that motivate a transgender man to get a hysterectomy, ranging from preventative health care and the treatment of persistent gynecological conditions, to obtaining correct identification and aligning anatomy with gender identity to advance to other bottom surgeries  this needs to be completed at least 6 months prior. Hysterectomy removes internal genitalia including uterus and typically ovaries. if ovaries are removed, it is essential to have hormone therapy to protect bone health. More information is available through Rainbow Health Ontario TRS Surgical Summary Sheets.


Phalloplasty, the surgical creation of a penis, involves several procedures. During phalloplasty, large amounts of skin are taken from other areas of the body. These may include the forearm, calf or lower abdomen. This can cause significant scarring. The skin is rolled into the shape of a penis and anchored into position above the clitoris.


Metoidioplasty is a gender-affirming, lower body surgery that creates a penis by cutting ligaments around the erectile tissue (clitoris) to release it from the pubis and give the shaft more length (4 to 6 cm).  The urethra can be lengthened and incorporated into the phallus.

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