Volunteers are vital to the success of the Health Centre! We can’t provide the services and programs that we do without help from the community. We value our volunteers and hope that each individual learns and benefits from their experience as much as we do.
We invest time and energy to ensure our volunteers have meaningful experiences and make special connections through their time at the Health Centre. We also are dedicated to providing high-quality programs and services for our clients. Therefore we ask individuals to make the same investment in our volunteer program by offering a minimum 1-year time commitment for each position.
We recruit volunteers twice a year in the fall and in the spring. To get started, please complete the online volunteer form or contact the Health Centre if you would like a paper version of the form. Once we begin recruitment you will be notified of the upcoming volunteer opportunities and the next steps of our onboarding process which includes interviews, reference checks, police checks, orientation, and training.
Should you require accommodation in making an application please contact our office. To learn more about the Health Centre’s policies related to our commitment to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, click here.
Pour en savoir plus sur les opportunités de bénévolat en français, veuillez cliquer ici.\Volunteer Opportunities
On an annual basis, we celebrate National Volunteer Week! The Health Centre plans a special recognition ceremony to thank all the volunteers for their hard work and contributions. Despite the pandemic, this year our amazing volunteers continued to show their commitment to our volunteer program. They adapted their roles and became involved with new virtual and outdoor opportunities. Thank you to all our 53 volunteers who contributed to 13 different programs! We truly appreciate everything our volunteers have to offer our clients and the community.
Volunteer Newsletter
To keep us all connected, volunteers come together to create an annual newsletter! Check out our volunteer newsletters to learn more about what our volunteers have been up to over the past two years.